Velo/ST Tell1 Algorithms Meeting 19 March ----------------------------------------- Partitions in Conditions database -------------------------------- Tomasz has set up a new partition: VetraCondDB. It has the same structure as the DDDB and Conditions. We should have a Velo and a ST part. Tomasz will put this in cvs soon. Johan will then add the ST part. For now we assume one Condition per board. This should be reviewed when we have more experience. Options ------ There is a Vetra 'options' package. Anne will add an ST options. PVSS parser ----------- Kurt will start to look next week. Johan can help for the ST part. Header correction ----------------- With one value per link Anne/Johan have seen things are improved. Still there is ~ 10 % more noise on the first channel on a link. Anne will try to see if more precision in the calculation helps. JC effect --------- Still not clear if the ST algorithms take this correctly into account. Anne will look at this with the Velo algorithm plus simulated data with big signals. C code ----- Kurt suggests in the long term to build a C library from Guidos code. This will allow more easily to use old versions of the emulation. Analysis package ---------------- Vetra will contain analysis packages for Velo and ST. We should aim to keep code to a minimum. e.g. calculation of header corrections could be same for Velo and ST. AOB --- The Velo people will meet with Guido tommorrow to discuss issues related to the readout of NZS data at low rate.